Reader Interactions


  1. Nancy says

    Love that you’ve read so many books lately – especially the ones you ended up loving! Congrautlations on getting a new job and moving into a new flat! Oooh, Odd One Out sounds like a great book! I need to check out The Kiss Quotient. Thanks for sharing!

    Nancy ♥

  2. Aaliyah says

    Wow you was able to read so many books, it takes me ages to get through just one, I’ve been loving the Harry Potter booked recently. I really like the sound of Odd one out! X

    • eviejayne says

      Haha I’ve been trying to get back into the habit of this year, it’s just something I’ve always loved doing! Ah I still haven’t read Harry Potter, or seen the films ? x

  3. Chloe O'Keeffe says

    I love this! I am currently on a mission to get back into reading! It’s a HUGE new years goal for me, so you I’m taking lots of books from here, because I haven’t read any! I love the sound of The Kiss Quotidient, your review alone has my heart bursting to know more about Michael & Stella!! Such a fab post, can’t wait to read more!

    • eviejayne says

      It was difficult to stick to at first but I’m so happy it’s become a habit. It was such an empowering story I couldn’t recommend it more!

  4. Sarah Shea says

    I love the variety in books! I’m late to the party l, too — I haven’t read The Hate You Give yet, either. Lately I’ve been reading more nonfiction, but this post makes me want to return the the genre! Great post!

    • eviejayne says

      Ah you need to read The Hate U Give asap! I don’t read much nonfiction but I’d love to give some books a try, thank you!

    • eviejayne says

      Yeah I can see why some people might not enjoy it, especially if you’re not a fan of too much romance. I hope you enjoy The Hate U Give as much as I did!

  5. Chloe says

    These books sound amazing. I’ve been looking at finding. A more variety of books to read as my love for reading seems to have faltered a little at the moment but I’m determined to get it back. I’ve heard about a few of these books already and I hope to read them soon but there are others I haven’t like Once Upon A River that I will have to check out and see what they are like. Thanks for the recommendations!

    • eviejayne says

      Once Upon A River will be released in January so I’d 100% recommend picking it up. It’s such a beautiful story. Best of luck getting back into the habit of reading, and I hope you enjoy some of these amazing books!

  6. Lindsey says

    Ooh I’ve got Skyward waiting for me and it’s the first Brandon Sanderson book I’ll have read. Having read this, I’ll make sure I don’t have my hopes too high for it then as it sounds like it could be quite slow-paced. So glad you managed to settle back for some reading time this month, it makes such a difference! Hope December is a good one as well.

    • eviejayne says

      It was my first Sanderson book too and I’d definitely like to read more by him. His writing is incredible, but yes unfortunately the pacing was slightly off for me in this book. Nonetheless, if you enjoy sci-fi you might enjoy it more than I did! Thank you, you too! ✨

    • eviejayne says

      Yes it’s such a good book – the Asian elements were interwoven perfectly into the story and helped create such a beautiful world, you’d love it!

  7. Macey Gloria says

    Once Upon A River sounds excellent! I think I’d love it, and I’m adding it to my TBR list right now. I read your Goodreads review on it, and I’m even more intrigued now x
