Reader Interactions


  1. Michelle says

    Adding some of these to my TBR list right now! I only have one book on my TBR shelf so it might be time to pop out and pick up some of these at the weekend!

  2. Macey Gloria says

    Ahhhh The Knife of Never Letting Go sounds interesting! WHERE ARE THE WOMEN????? How have they continued to exist without them????? I have so many questions. :’) It always makes me happy when I see people falling more in love with Austen’s writing (& that of other classic author’s as well). I didn’t actually read as many books this month as I expected either, however, I already know July is going to make up for that within the first couple of weeks haha

    • eviejayne says

      Hahaha all will be revealed, I had so many questions too! I can’t wait to read more of Austen’s work, I’m actually really enjoying my ‘read one classic a month’ challenge! Haha, the holidays is always the best time to get a load of reading done.

    • eviejayne says

      Hahaha it’s just that I’m always too ambitious when it comes to my monthly reading lists. The Seven Husbands was such a page-turner so I couldn’t recommend it more! And yes, definitely give Persuasion a read, it wasn’t too wordy/difficult to follow in comparison to some other renowned classics! x

  3. Kyra || says

    I haven’t been reading much for the past couple of months, but I’ve got two books to take with me on holiday tomorrow so I’m excited for that! I also want to read the knife of never letting go, it sounds so interesting!

  4. Annie says

    Ooh!! I haven’t read any of these books before so I’ll definitely be checking out a couple of them from my nearest library. The Knife of Never Letting Go sounds really intriguing. I really want to know what happens after reading your short summary. Also I love, love, LOVE A Little Life. It’s such an amazing book!

    • eviejayne says

      You should definitely give it a go! Oh I finish A Little Life the other day and I was a WRECK, such a devastating book!

  5. Soph Hearts says

    I can’t believe 7 books is low numbers to you- my Goodreads challenge for the whole year was 12! haha. I love Austin too but haven’t actually read Persuasion- if you think it’s better than Pride & Prejudice I’m going to HAVE to give it a read! Thanks for the wrap-up – I love getting new recommendations! Soph – x

    • eviejayne says

      Haha honestly most of my free time is spent reading! YES you should!! I found it so easy to read as well in comparison to other classics. Thank you! x

    • eviejayne says

      That was a challenge I set myself this year! Persuasion or Jane Eyre are great places to start! x

  6. says

    Reading your article helped me a lot and I agree with you. But I still have some doubts, can you clarify for me? I’ll keep an eye out for your answers.


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    June Reading Wrap-Up 2019 • Evie Jayne

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