Reader Interactions


  1. jazminheavenblog says

    Oh what an amazing idea! I’m trying to read more classics so one a month would be such a great thing for next year for myself! I loved to kill a mockingbird. I’m currently reading ‘Rebecca’ x

    • eviejayne says

      You should definitely give it a try then! I found I was so much more motivated to read them, and it was a lot less daunting than I thought it would be! Ah I hope you’re enjoying Rebecca! x

  2. Jenny in Neverland says

    Can you believe I have not read a single one of these books?! I’m not hugely into classics but the few I have read, I’ve enjoyed and seemed to take quite a lot from them. So I’d like to read more. Well done for completing your goal! x

    • Book Worm in Boise says

      I have made a similar goal this year! I read the 3 Brontë sister’s books, as well as crime and punishment, I recommended you read the Idiot next buy Dostoevsky. I liked it better than Crime and Punishment. Also Anne Brontë’s Agnes Grey is a quick read but still as captivating as Jane Eyre! Thanks for the list!

  3. sunkissedscribbles says

    Oh wow, this sounds like a great achievement. I haven’t read many classics and there are a few of them you’ve read that I’d love to read – I have To Kill A Mockingbird but I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet, I’d love to read Little Women and always wanted to try a bit of Virginia Woolf. I might have to add them to my reading lists for next year! Great post, thanks for sharing!

    • eviejayne says

      I hadn’t read many either so I found this such a fun way to get through them! I adored all three of them so I couldn’t recommend them more! I’m definitely going to read more Virginia Woolf next year too. Thank you! xx

  4. Becky says

    Your writing and photos are beautiful. I’ve read hardly any classic novels (I know), but Rebecca is my fave! I read that whilst at sixth form in English literature and fell in love, I couldn’t put it down. I have read Jane Eyre but I’ve forgotten it, so I need to re-read it! We also read Frankenstein, and I agree- it’s so, so sad! 🙁
    Becky x

    • eviejayne says

      Ah thank you so much! Oh don’t worry haha, that’s exactly why I set myself the challenge to read them! I’m hoping to reread Jane Eyre next year as I haven’t read it since sixth form but absolutely loved it. Thanks for reading x

  5. Michelle says

    This is such a great idea Evie! I really want to read more classics and this sounds like a perfect way to do it. I might have to adopt a similar challenge for 2020!

  6. Isabel Ochoa Blasco says

    I love this idea, and might give it a go myself in 2020. Maybe start with 5 classics this year (my reading habit is a fragile one, and I don’t want to risk not liking the classics and not picking up a book again). I did really enjoy “To kill a Mockingbird” and loved the “Rebecca” movie, so I might start with that one. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  7. Macey @ Brine and Books says

    I really think that this year, I’m going to attempt this same challenge!! Unfortunately, I have quite a few classics on my bookshelves, and I really want to read them all. I might cheat & reread ones that I haven’t read for years, but hey, I’ll still be doing one classic a month :’)

    • Aysik Brata Mondal says

      1984 is one of my favourites, dystopia at its best. And the whole concept of one classic per month is really interesting.

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