Reader Interactions


  1. Kristina says

    Ohh I wanna read that!!

    I saw Matt tweet about it, being the best he wrote and hoping we’d all read it (something along theses lines.. I dont quite remember xd) but although I LOVED the cover, I didn’t went above and looked what it wad about — then me reading your review convinced me easily!

    I read a french book like that years ago, but she wasn’t dead- she had made a wierd dream where she kept waking up in different lives, after having wished it would be different before going to bed. So this aspect of course attracts me, but knowing what I loved in Reasons To Stay Alive is coming back? You got me sold !

    • eviejayne says

      Yes I saw that tweet too! So as soon as I received an advanced copy of it, I scrapped all of my current reads and picked it up straight away haha. That book does sound quite similar, so I’m sure you will love this book! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did xx


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