Reader Interactions


  1. Anika May says

    I adored this book too! Nina is such a brilliant protagonist, it surprised me how much I related to her. And I really love Dolly Alderton’s whit, even the most heart-breaking moments felt like a comfort to read. Great review!

    Anika |

  2. The Montreal Cat Lady says

    I am very curious to read this book! After reading your review, I am sure this is going to be a book for me. 🙂

  3. abichristina says

    This book seems like such a great read! I must be honest, I didn’t connect with Everything I Know About Love for various reasons, but Ghosts seems like it would be right up my street! I’m willing to give Alderton another change with this book, I’m looking forward to reading it soon!

    Abi //

  4. Aaliyah says

    Wow this sounds like just the book I would love! I have heard of this book before and heard really good things about it but never picked it up but I think I’ll have to now! X


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