Reader Interactions


  1. Laura Gardiner says

    Thanks for the recommendations, I’ll be seeking some of these out as I need some new material to sink my teeth into.

    Saying that, I think I’ve only even been able to finish a book in one day twice!
    The first being Richard Hammonds – On The edge: My Story.
    The second being Audition by Ryu Murakami (that is properly disturbing, let me tell you).

    Laura //

  2. Aaliyah says

    I don’t think I’ve ever actually sat and read a book in one day before maybe two or three but never one. These books all sound really great especially the first book, that sounds right up my street! X

  3. Jaya Avendel says

    Oo! I have never heard of any of these books, but Frying Plantain, Verity, and The Revolt sound like deeply engaging books. I love books with historical context, or even well-written short stories.

  4. Jenny in Neverland says

    Verity and A Monster Calls sound right up my street! Thank you for these recommendations 🙂 I really want to try and read more this year so books I can really get stuck into are helpful for me right now!

  5. Kayleigh Zara says

    I’ve not heard of any of these except a monster calls and it was such a great read!! Thanks for sharing xx


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