Reader Interactions


  1. Aaliyah says

    It is such a strange time at the moment I know it must be really difficult for everyone. That’s great though that you did graduate and you have uni behind you. I hope all goes well and things start getting better! X

  2. femaleoriginal says

    Huge congrats on graduating, even if the celebration circumstances are far from what you’d imagined! (hopefully you’ll be able to have a proper celebration in the near future). The struggle for jobs is so real isn’t it. I graduated last Summer, did a few different jobs here and there but still haven’t found a full time career. Now with the virus it’s seeming like I’ll never find one! But it’s important to try and stay positive and build up our skills! I’ve been teaching myself a few different Adobe Suite programs in the hopes that I’ll be more qualified when the jobs DO come up! x

    • eviejayne says

      Thank you so much! Ah I’m so sorry to hear that, but exactly! I do have days (or weeks) where my motivation hits an all-time low, but I’m trying to build up my skills as much as possible for when the job market opens up again! Good luck with your job hunt x

  3. Macey @ Brine and Books says

    Congrats again on graduating!! I continue to sincerely wish you the very best in your job hunt; working in publishing used to be a dream of mine as well, and it can be overwhelming enough without everything going on in the world right now. However, you’re talented, and you’ll certainly be a valuable asset to whatever company you end up at, and I hope you have an expedited process in that regard :’) xxx

  4. Jenny in Neverland says

    Great post! As if this year wasn’t weird enough as it is. I’m sorry you didn’t get to celebrate as you should have done. Maybe somewhere down the line you can have a proper celebration of your achievements of graduating. These are great tips – there’s so many people in a similar situation x

  5. hollywritingfinch says

    This is exactly what I needed to read today! I handed my dissertation in late last night and now am officially no longer a Masters student. I’m 22 (and a half) and I’ve never not been in education before, so it is the strangest, emptiest feeling this morning. Truly the end of an era, and not at all the one I anticipated when I applied last year having just finished my other degree. So weird, but at least we are all in it together this year! For now I am trudging along with a receptionist job that requires no qualifications but hopefully things will be looking up for us all soon. 2020 will end eventually!

    • eviejayne says

      Ah congrats again on handing in your dissertation! Same here, I’ve felt lost for a good 3 months now and I’m not sure what to do next. But exactly! At the moment, a job is a job, hopefully 2021 will make it up to us! x

  6. Jemima says

    Congrats on graduating! That’s such an achievement and you should be so proud of yourself. I have a year left of uni before I graduate and the panic is beginning to set in. The things you’ve shared in this post are super useful, and I’m I’ll need them this time next year!

    Jemima x

  7. Anika May says

    Congratulations on graduating, even from your own bedroom that’s a huge achievement! And best wishes with the job hunting, I know how draining it can be. My heart sinks when I see over 100 applicants, let alone 1000. I hope you find something soon 🙂

    Anika |

  8. Audrey says

    omg I so relate to having to stop to ask myself, “What’s the rush?” I feel like my anxiety about time has intensified during q*arantine even though this is probably the most time I’m going to have in my life for awhile. -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

  9. Forever September says

    I feel your pain and disappointment, I also graduated during the pandemic and I’m so upset our ceremony has been pushed back. All I wanted was to celebrate with my friends and wear a nice dress. Its a hard time and looking for work is super difficult too. But these are great tips and great advice, we’ve got this and hopefully it’ll all work out!

    Lucy | Forever September

    • eviejayne says

      It’s such a shame right? Job hunting feels so futile right now. But you’re right, it’s always reassuring to know that so many others are in the same position! Best of luck girl x

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