Reader Interactions


  1. arshia says

    Oh I’ve been wanting to read The Dutch House for quite a while now, and I think I might actually get around to it! And all those vegetarian meals look so good! I’ve been reducing my consumption of meats and things too, and it actually feels so much better!

    • eviejayne says

      I’m halfway through and Patchett’s writing is stunning, I’m enjoying it so far! Thank you so much, that’s great to here! there are so many amazing meat-free meals to try x

  2. Nikki - Notes of Life says

    I’m loving sending out happy mail during lockdown. I’m also working my way through Designated Survivor. I’ve only just got back into my reading, but I have also been listening to an audiobook. Oh, and I baked a cake! 😀

  3. Anna Jo says

    I’ve checked out How to Fail with Elizabeth Day, as it seems interesting (and I’m pretty hard on myself when I fail/make mistakes), and subscribed to it through my google podcast app! Thank you for recommending 🙂 keep well and safe always, Evie!

    Anna Jo |

  4. Kikki says

    Brooklyn 99 is such a good show! Have you seen The Witcher on Netflix? It’s an anime but it’s sooo good! So please to hear that The High Low is back as well! I was worried when they suddenly went on hiatus, adding that to my playlist for tomorrow!


    • eviejayne says

      I’ve watched the first couple of episodes of the live-action Witcher series, but I had no idea there was an anime! It’s amazing right? Thanks for reading x

  5. Macey @ Brine and Books says

    That pasta looks so divine and scrumptious, omg. I’m also watching a million things at once, but I finished Community today, so I think I’ll focus on West Wing and try to get that done before I dive into a new sitcom. (Also, I would say it’s embarassing how quickly I’m going through shows these days, but like??? It’s so easy to have them on in the background since I rarely emerge from the house lol.) Oooh The High Low sounds good, I need to try and have a listen of that soon! xx

    • eviejayne says

      Thank you! You can never go wrong with pasta imo. Ah I just started watching Community on Netflix, I’m halfway through season 1 atm and I’m loving it! Hahaha literally, they’re constantly on in the background whether I’m cooking, cleaning, getting ready. there were so many shows I didn’t mention purely because there are too many, it’s quite bad really ? it’s my favourite podcast! x

  6. foreverseptember1 says

    I absolutely flew through S6 of Brooklyn 99, I need to see S7 now desperately hahah! I watched Normal People recently and its honestly one of the most beautiful things I think I’ve ever watched!

    Lucy | Forever September

    • eviejayne says

      Haha I swear my weeks revolve around waiting for Thursday 9pm to come around so I can watch a new episode ? yes! I loved Normal People. The chemistry between the leads was everything ?


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