Reader Interactions


  1. Audrey says

    I don’t know if now is the best time or worst time to read these hahah. On Reddit I’ve seen so many people talk about The Stand, and on bookstagram I’ve seen a lot of people talk about The Plague. My dad recently shared an article about Lockdown by Peter May, which is a pandemic thriller that was originally rejected by publishers 15 years ago but is now getting released! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    • eviejayne says

      Hahaha I’m not sure either, but I do feel like reading them now would make you perceive them differently. I remember saying months ago now how much the coronavirus correlated to The Stand, but Stephen King has reassured us that the coronavirus is by no means as serious. I’ve seen The Plague everywhere lately too. That’s so interesting! I’d be intrigued to read that to see how it compares to the current pandemic! Haha I should probably stick to more lighthearted reads, but I’m reading My Dark Vanessa and that’s anything but lighthearted so ?

  2. Linda I PagesandPapers says

    Love this post! I’m an absolute fan of Margaret Atwood and have just recently written a term paper on her apocalyptic vision in The Year of the Flood. It made me understand more deeply how much we can learn from apocalyptic narratives, especially in times of crisis. I’ve read The Road in highschool, but I really want to read it again. The Hunger Games are on my TBR for so long since I absolutely loved the movies!

    • eviejayne says

      That’s amazing! I’m writing my dissertation on the entire MaddAddam trilogy and I couldn’t agree more. I’m definitely going to pick up The Road soon! And The Hunger Games trilogy consumed my early teenage years hahaha. I think they’re just as good, if not better than the films! Thanks for reading x

  3. A Cup of Wonderland says

    The Road and Station Eleven are definitely firm favourites of mine that you’ve featured on your list – I haven’t read Onyx and Crake despite having a copy so think I will certainly be adding it to my lockdown TBR. Hope you are staying safe x

  4. Macey @ Brine and Books says

    I’m not gonna lie, the thought of reading almost any of these right now is not appealing in the slightest :’) I say almost because The Hunger Games is comforting and familiar since I’ve read & reread before, and, like you said, it does offer hope, and ultimately, victory. I definitely won’t be reaching for the other dystopian novels on my shelves either :’) However, this is a list I’ll have to refer to when the world is a bit more secure again hehe xx

    • eviejayne says

      Hahaha I don’t blame you! I’m going through fits and starts: part of me wants to reread some of these and compare them to the real world, another part of me wants to stay well away hahaha


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