Reader Interactions


  1. Audrey | Book Book Chick says

    Oh my gosh I freaking love Roald Dahl! (Matilda! The Witches!) It’s been awhile since I’ve read his books. I’ve been meaning to read his short stories for so long. // “I read a book from the olden days” hahahh. That’s how I felt after reading Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder! I have yet to read Anne of Green Gables 😮 -Audrey | Book Book Chick

  2. Macey @ Brine and Books says

    I’ve only read the Anne series out of these 4 books! I need to for sure get on The BFG, because, c’mon!!! I’m seriously slacking on that classic. I feel pretty much the exact same way about my love for reading; I learned to read when I turned 4, and ever since, I’ve not stopped. Re-reading is definitely my issue…. there are a solid 10 books (at least?) that I have to read every year, and one of them is LOTR, and we all know how long that can take especially when you have another issue–reading multiple books at once :’) I don’t think I could ever go without reading those 10 books (oops, that’s probably the minimum honestly), so I need to work on making more time for new books. I thoroughly enjoyed this post; the way you paint pictures of certain scenes always draws me in!! I can totally see myself sitting next to little Evie, with popcorn in hand, ready to watch BFG hehe.

    • eviejayne says

      Haha yeah there are so many books I’d love to reread and revisit, but then there are also so many I haven’t read yet – there’s just so little time! Hahaha thank you so much, watching the BFG in school was a good day I’m ngl haha

  3. Diana Maria says

    I loved Anne of Green Gables too! I used to adore Narnia that was my absolute favourite series as well as Charlotte’s Web. I took a Children’s Literature class in University a few years ago and had so much fun reading the books, they’re so lovely xx

  4. katieanovelidea says

    As a fellow british twenty something I fully identify with the ability to talk at length about my love for Jacqueline Wilson!
    George’s Marvellous Medicine was always and still is my favourite Roald Dahl.


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