Reader Interactions


  1. ellieslondon says

    I was 100% in the same situation as you when I turned 21, even down to aving a year left of my degree. It seems like you have learnt a lot over the years – one of my most important lessons is also to say no to people < which I actually started doing when I turned 21. For me, it was also important not to compare myself to where others where at 21 – I took a year off before going to uni so was 'behind' in a sense but aside from education, it was important to remind myself my pace is also a pace, even though it is different to lots of people ♥ Also, happy birthday x

    • eviejayne says

      Exactly! Comparing myself to others is something I still working on, especially after my year abroad and comparing my experiences to that of others, but as you say, everyone’s different! Thank you lovely x

  2. justnatonya says

    Happy Birthday Evie!!!! I’m ten years older than you and can appreciate your lessons like ‘Eat the Damn Cake’, ‘Fake it Til You Make It’ and ‘Read More’. I want to be more conscious about eating healthy but I don’t want it to rule my life and suck the joy out of food, so I’m gonna eat the damn cake lol! You’re so right, sometimes you gotta pretend like you’re not nervous to push through. Reading makes you smarter, so I want to invest in more books and magazines. Thanks for sharing these lessons, I hope you have a beautiful birthday babe ❤

    Natonya |

  3. foreverseptember1 says

    I hope you had a wonderful 21st birthday Evie – this is such a great list of things. I’m still learning to say no to things if I don’t feel up to it. Also saving money, I MUST start doing that!

    Lucy | Forever September

  4. Audrey says

    Happy belated birthday! It’s so funny that you learned to ACTUALLY do your readings in uni, whereas for me, in high school I would labour over every single word, and in uni I learned how to speed read and get by with skimming 😛 -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    • eviejayne says

      Hahaha ngl I did that for my entire first year of uni and I might need to skim read this year too – my reading list this year is insane!!


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