Reader Interactions


  1. Nancy says

    Hope you’ll enjoy your last few weeks with your year abroad! Oh man, I felt very upset about the Game of Thrones series finale. It is exciting that you’re studying Postcolonial Literature! It is good that you’re switching off with social media. I do the same with my notifications. HUGE gamechanger.

    Nancy ♥

    • eviejayne says

      It’s hilarious! It does take a couple of episodes to get into I think, but it’s so intense once you do!

  2. foreverseptember1 says

    I had to hand in a dissertation proposal a few weeks back and was stressing a lot about it but turns out I got an A for it! Strangely, I’m quite looking forward to doing mine as well although I know its gonna be super stressful!

    Lucy | Forever September

    • eviejayne says

      Ah that’s amazing congrats! We don’t receive any feedback on ours, but we’ll be given personal tutor to help guide us along soon. Haha it’s weird right? I’m just hoping it doesn’t drive me too crazy!


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