Reader Interactions


  1. Macey Gloria says

    So so excited for you because of the PUPPY!!! I’ve heard so many good things about “This is Us,” I feel like I need to give it a watch already. Definitely soak up some sun girl 😉

    • eviejayne says

      Ah I’m so excited to meet her! Yes watch it! I’m only 7 episodes in but it’s such a lovely show. Hahaha oh I will ??

  2. McKenzie Allyshia says

    Oh my goodness a new puppy is the most exciting news ever! If we didn’t already have three dogs I would be bringing home another puppy in a heartbeat. I used to have a Golden Retriever named Molly and she seriously was the most amazing dog ♥ Sounds like there have been a lot of great little things! Ah, and I still need to catch up on GoT!

    • eviejayne says

      We’ve wanted one for years so I’m dying to meet her! Ah that’s adorable. GoT has been insane! Thanks for reading x

  3. glowsteady says

    I’m kinda sad that your year abroad is ending as I’ve LOVED your Madrid posts. But new puppy?!?! That’s so exciting! My dad just got a new puppy and I took my dog over to meet him this week, so cute! Hope you love your Sephora bits! And you’ve been so sensible in regard to your purchase choices and packing to come home…I lose all sense of responsibility when I see a Sephora usually! x


    • eviejayne says

      Ah so glad you’ve enjoyed them. I knoww, can’t wait to meet her! Hahaha it’s been a struggle, but thought it was time to treat myself. Thanks for reading! x

  4. Nancy says

    I can feel you about writer’s block. Congrats on getting a new puppy!! Hope Bella will have the best experiences with you and your family :). OH MANNNNNN don’t get me started on GoT. I can’t even with the fact that there are only two episodes left. HOW!!! Love that you’re getting into Yoga into your morning routine. Keep it up!

    Nancy ♥

  5. Audrey says

    I remember when I had to make my thesis proposal! I felt like everyone knew what they were passionate about and what they wanted to research, but I had no clue. In the end, I chose a topic that I didn’t know particularly much about but that I was vaguely curious about. I think it was more important for me to make a decision and get started with my thesis than it was for me to find the topic that I was most passionate about. In the end, as I researched my topic throughout the semester, I found myself more excited about it as I got more familiar with it 🙂

    omggg pup!!! I like the sound of your summer plans ^-^ // The end of GoT S08E03!!!!! Freakin epiccc // I watched the first season of This Is Us with my family when it came out! We all got really into it. The second season wasn’t out at the time and I haven’t gotten around to it since! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    • eviejayne says

      I feel as if that’s the stage I’m at atm. I don’t want to rush into making a decision, but I have no choice at this point! I think I may have something now though which I’m quite interested in. I just hope it doesn’t drive me insane by the end of it!

      Oh don’t even talk to me about episode 5 either. I’m only 9 episodes into This Is Us and I’m loving it! Thanks for reading x

  6. justnatonya says

    Hey Evie! How exciting you have a new puppy named Bella, so cute! Ok I definitely recommend keeping up with This Is Us, it’s a tear jerker but extremely heart warming. I use the Pixi Glow Tonic, it’s wonderful for spot treating those random pimples, literally shrinks or removes them the next day❤️??

    Natonya |

    • eviejayne says

      Ah I’m only 9 episodes in but every single one has been incredible, definitely a new favourite! I’ve been using it for about a week and have noticed an improvement in my skin already. What a dream ? thanks for reading! x

  7. Christine says

    I love Yoga with Adriene myself!! She’s so inspirational and positive! And congrats on your new pupper! Goldens are the best. We have one who is 4 this year and he’s still like a puppy!!


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