Reader Interactions


  1. Lucy says

    Porridge is my go-to breakfast of choice too, I love the stuff! Usually I just pop some Nutella in and I’m good to go, but I love how you present yours and maybe I’ll try some peanut butter/banana!

    Lucy | Forever September

    • eviejayne says

      So good right?! I’m forever experimenting with new porridge combinations. I added mashed sweet potato to my baked porridge the other day and I can’t decide whether it was strange or pure genius haha. Thanks for reading! x

  2. Souhaila says

    I love waking up early on weekends too,I have plenty of time to do all the things I couldn’t do on weekdays and do everything on a slower pace.
    Your breakfast looks so delicious,I like to treat myself to a croissant or make pancakes on Saturdays.

    • eviejayne says

      Exactly! An entire day to get through the tasks you couldn’t get through during the week. I feel as if pancakes on the weekend are a must! Thanks for reading x

  3. Audrey says

    I like to wake up the same time on the weekend as the weekday as well! A lot of my friends like sleeping in over the weekend to make up for lost sleep during the weekday, but I love waking up at the same time and feeling like I have “extra” time to enjoy the morning since I don’t have to rush off to run errands. Plus, I imagine that it feels harder to get back into the weekday if you sleep in over the weekend, but if you maintain the same sleeping habit throughout the week, ideally it’d feel a little more seamless!

    Honestly, breakfast is such great motivation to wake up in the morning <3 Sometimes I just really crave a bowl of Frosted Flakes or honey nut cheerios. Sometimes I like making a fancy toast. Sometimes I have instant oatmeal. Or overnight oats. Occasionally pancakes. Maybe pull out frozen tater tots from the fridge. I love seeing your breakfasts on your Instagram! They all look so hearty and fancy even though I know that they're probably very simple to make! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    • eviejayne says

      Yeah exactly! Waking up at the same time on the weekends means it’s not as difficult to wake up early for work during the week! Oh you’re making me hungry again thinking about breakfasts haha. Thank you so much! They’re always super simple, I just love playing with different toppings and flavours etc. Thanks for reading! x

  4. glowsteady says

    Oh wow we could not be more different. I’m such an evening person! I can get up and moving if I really have to but it’s never my first choice. Frequently found sat up working at 2am, early starts are far from my favourite. But I’m also a fan of the slower morning so we have a slight issue there. I think it’s great that you can get up at that time of day even on a weekend. I LOVE your breakfast posts, I nearly started drooling when I saw those pancakes! x


    • eviejayne says

      Haha I honestly sometimes wish I was an evening person, I’m always knackered by 10pm on the weekends! Thank you so much! Feel like pancakes are a MUST on the weekend, thanks for reading! x

  5. ellieslondon says

    I have to say I love my weekend morning routine just the same – although granted my weekend is not always Saturday and Sunday. I too am more productive in the morning time too and over the last year I have made myself a morning person (it is possible!) I spent so many years with my most productive hours being between 1am and 3! I like to cook a good breakfast too on my days off – and usually tend to get down to some writing not long after waking up. I have a day off tomorrow and I can’t wait!

  6. Ellaine says

    Hi Evie! I missed visiting your blog! Now I have more time. And as always, your food photog are still lovely as before!!! Makes me want to eat!! BTW, you really are a good doer of productive things. I now see myself as a lazy mom. Hahaha!!

    Ellaine | Sunday Chic

  7. Lauren says

    I love this routine! I really want to start waking up earlier because there already aren’t enough hours in my day! Plus I always feel like I don’t have time for a good filling breakfast so tend to go small or skip altogether, something I really need to change. Love this post!

    • eviejayne says

      Waking up early can be a difficult habit to get into, but so worth it! Breakfasts are honestly the highlight of my day sometimes haha, thank you!

  8. Nancy says

    I love that you incorporate a morning workout during the weekends! Weekends are usually my rest days, hehe. It is good that you tackle your to-do list! We get so limited time during the weekends. Love your breakfast by the way! Thanks for sharing your routine!

    Nancy ♥

    • eviejayne says

      I find that work consumes my whole week so the weekend is the perfect time to do everything I couldn’t get around to! But I do enjoy a chill weekend x

  9. Lindsey says

    I’m feeling so inspired now! I’ve just pretty much had a wasted day today and I’m really regretting it, but reading this is making me want to plan things for next weekend. I’m also a morning person, although I’ve been struggling with exhaustion lately so been trying to get a bit of extra sleep at the weekend, but would definitely much rather get up and go. Great post.

    • eviejayne says

      Sleep should always be a priority! As long as I go to bed early enough, I can wake up early and tackle the to-do list. Not every day is so productive though haha. Thank you!

  10. Ray says

    Oh I eat the frog too! lol It feels great when you accomplish the most exhausting or daunting task of the day, everything else on your list seems easy.
    And I also love to wake up early in the morning! I love those calm hours, and the feeling that I have a full day ahead to do everything I need to do. Although, sometimes, as I currently work from home, it gets hard to motivate myself to wake up early, so I tend to sleep in late, but I try my best to not make a habit out of it.

    • eviejayne says

      Exactly! It’s never easy getting started, but it always feels amazing once it’s done! I’d probably be the same if I were to work from home, that’s why I ensure to write a list of tasks the night before so I know exactly what I need to wake up and do. Thanks for reading!

  11. Melissa says

    I’m a morning person too! I crash at night so getting up before everyone else and “eating the frog” is the only way to have a productive day in my world. The gym though has been the biggest game changer for me in the early hours. If I can do that before anyone else wakes up I feel accomplished…even if the rest of the day goes downhill. ? So glad that there are others out there up and at it before the sun.

  12. Michelle says

    I like that you start the day with the hardest task. I need to start doing that. Otherwise I just keep putting it off until it doesn’t get done at all! Great post!

  13. Miss Katie says

    Your routine is amazing! I really wish that I could wake up early and make it a habit. I love my sleep. When I sleep in it slows the whole day down, though. Before you know it, half the day is gone!

  14. Julia says

    I wish I had some kind of natural inclination to wake up early. Especially 5.30-6am! I really am a night owl and as much as I want to wake up early so I can get loads done, I just stay up too late and then end up sleeping in on weekends.

    Julia // The Sunday Mode

    • eviejayne says

      Haha waking up early isn’t for everyone! Sometimes I wish I could be a night owl because I’m always exhausted by 9pm! Thanks for reading x

  15. binance says

    Thank you for your sharing. I am worried that I lack creative ideas. It is your article that makes me full of hope. Thank you. But, I have a question, can you help me?


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