Reader Interactions


  1. Audrey says

    I so respect the effort you’re putting into reading more classics and setting a goal to read at least one classic every month. I might have to implement that as well, because otherwise I’ll really never get around to reading those classics! I think I tried reading Little Women in elementary school and it’s no surprise that I didn’t get into it! For some reason, I loved Louisa May Alcott when I was little. I think maybe it was because I had read a biography about her. (I was obsessed with a biography series for children when I was younger, but I can’t for the life of me remember what that series was called.) I would love to give that book another try now that I’m much older. I actually found a beautiful vintage copy of Little Women at a secondhand bookstore a few years ago. I wish I could send you a picture! It’s very fragile, so if I do get around to reading Little Women, I think I’ll borrow a copy from the library to flip through instead of using my copy.

    It’s so great that you found a series you love! Finding a series you love is such a great feeling because then you know exactly what book you’ll read next after you finish one. I have a really long TBR, but I’ll keep an eye on this duology! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    • eviejayne says

      I was slightly hesitant going into Little Women just because I had read reviews about there not being much of a plot. Alcott’s writing was incredible though, and all the characters were so unique and well-developed that it was such a joy to read. I hope you get around to reading it soon! Especially with another film adaptation coming out towards the end of the year!

      Haha I feel you with the long TBR list, but this duology is definitely worth reading asap, thanks for reading! x

  2. Bookish Matters says

    Some of my reading goals for this year is to read 80 books, to finally read the popular YA books I own, read more non-fiction, and do the pop sugar reading challenges. I love Little Woman it is one my favourite classics. I can’t wait for the new movie to come out. I want to read an An American Marriage for black history month.

  3. Emma McKnight says

    I’m a literature student too! I’m trying to read 50 books this year, good luck with your goal – I loved reading this summary!

  4. Chynna says

    Ah, I remember reading my first Stephen King book. After all the hype, I was really curious and was not disappointed. I have his On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft book, which I’ve yet to start but I’ve heard has excellent tips on becoming a writer.

    I’m definitely adding some of these books to my TBR! Especially An American Marriage – that sounds right up my alley. Have you read Small Great Things by Jodie Picoult? It also has themes of race, prejudice and justice – it’s a really interesting book.

    I managed to read 5 books in January, and keep adding books to my TBR, but that’s a given. My goal for this year is 25 books 🙂

  5. briana says

    I have An American Marriage on my coffee table right now ready to start reading! I’m glad to hear you loved it. From what I’ve heard, it’s amazing.

    briana |

  6. Nancy says

    I love that you’re doing great with your reading goals so far! Love that you enjoyed Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom! I always like female leads who are badass. We can be great in so many ways. Oooh, hope the Netflix adaptation for Crooked Kingdom is on point. It’s a bummer that An Anonymous Girl was kind of slow. I feel the same way about slow-paced stories. Thanks for sharing! Keep it up!

    Nancy ♥


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    January Reading Wrap-up 2019 • Evie Jayne