Reader Interactions


  1. foreverseptember1 says

    I’m determined to read more this year, I love the sound of call me evie – one to add to the list!

    Lucy | Forever September

  2. Audrey says

    I love thrillers! If I’m in a reading slump and want to get back into the rhythm of it, I’ll reach for a thriller. I read An Anonymous Girl in September and ended up rating it 3/5. It was a solid novel, but I felt like Jess was prematurely paranoid and that Dr Shields could have been more compelling if she were portrayed more human, and so the suspense was not as much as I had hoped it could be. -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    • eviejayne says

      Thrillers are some of my favourites to read for that exact reason, they always get me out of a slump! I agree, it just wasn’t believable enough for me. Thanks for reading! x

  3. Nancy says

    I love these kinds of stories – it keeps you on the edge. Sleep is an interesting book. It gives me a bit of the chills because I lived out of a hotel for 1/2 of a year one. An Anonymous is great if you just want a straight forward book. These books sound interesting! Thanks for sharing!

    Nancy ♥

    • eviejayne says

      Sleep was definitely favourite of the three, makes me nervous about going to a hotel now haha. Hope you get the chance to read it for yourself!


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    Mini Reviews: Thrills, Tension and Trust • Evie Jayne

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