Reader Interactions


    • eviejayne says

      It’s so easy to form a solid reading habit once you start carrying a book with you everywhere! Best of luck with your reading goals x

  1. Abbs says

    These are some really good tips! I’ve never thought about making a To Read list! Definitely going to go home and make myself one❤️

    • eviejayne says

      Thank you! It’s so encouraging to have books that you want to read next. Although, it’s reached a point where my to read list is too long now haha, glad you found this useful x

  2. Beka says

    I definitely want to get back into reading again this year, so it’s one of my goals, too! However, I don’t think I’ll be setting myself a goal of 60 ? that’s amazing, though, and it’s amazing that you managed to exceed your goal last year! I’ve set myself 5 books this year, considering I read like 1 for the whole of 2018 ? I used to read so much, so it makes me really sad to think that I don’t anymore! These are great tips though, and I’m definitely going to be popping my book in my bag to take with me everywhere! I never thought of that, but it is such a good idea ☺️

    Beka |

    • eviejayne says

      It honestly just depends on what your priorities are! Reading is my favourite way to spend some down-time, whereas for others it’s something different entirely haha so 5 books is a great goal! Thanks for reading Beka! Glad you found it useful x

  3. Diana Haddad | The Golden Lining says

    I have definitely made excuses for myself when it comes to reading. To kick myself out of the habit, I went into my local library and picked up a library card and two books. Maybe two books too ambitious! Lol – I’m working on it. Goals are easier to accomplish when you break them down in little steps like how you did here ❤ Thank you for the lovely read, Evie!

    Diana | The Golden Lining

    • eviejayne says

      Ah that’s great! The library is my favourite place for reading inspiration. Exactly! Good luck with your reading year, glad you found this useful x

  4. Emma R says

    I definitely want to read more; I totally identify with how you described loving books as a child, but misplacing that love in the world of university reading lists! I have found consciously putting my phone away before bed and reading before I go to sleep a good way to incorporate more books into my day, and I think it’s better for my sleep health too!

    • eviejayne says

      Yeah I always put my phone away before bed now too and pull out a book instead! Definitely helps to unwind a lot more rather than having my eyes glued to the screen right before I turn out the lights. Hope you found this useful! x

  5. Macey Gloria says

    Annotating is definitely not for me as I find I just write what I’m thinking, and since I already know what I’m thinking, why write it out? I really did want to be an annotative reader; it just wasn’t flowing for me 🙁 I still enjoy writing papers on lit and using that space to emphasize what I’m thinking about the themes, subject matter, characters, plot structure, etc. All of these tips are fantastic! I’m determined to be a happy little bookworm again this year, as college makes it so hard to read as much as I used to. These are things I’m happy to say that I’ve started doing already, and I’m reading so much more & happier for it xx

    • eviejayne says

      Haha I agree that it isn’t for everyone. I normally only annotate if I have to do a book analysis, or if it’s for my University course. Ah that’s so great to hear, I hope you have an amazing reading year! xx

    • eviejayne says

      Haha it’s so easy to get back into the habit of reading once you take your books with you everywhere! Thanks for reading x

  6. Nancy says

    I definitely need these tips to read more books. It is always neat to see others exceeding their book milestones! I know #3 resonates with me deeply – if I make something a priority, it will get done. Setting a goal can be helpful too. Thanks for sharing these tips! Ok, I need to go pick up a book, hehe.

    Nancy ♥

  7. Audrey says

    I think writing a TBR is a great way to excite yourself about reading! I use Goodreads and regularly add books to my neverending TBR, but this year I’m starting to write monthly TBRs so that I can see them more concretely and make a real plan to read them! // Since I use Goodreads, I also set reading goals via Goodreads’ annual reading challenge! A great motivator for sure 🙂 -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

  8. Chynna says

    Yes! I love these tips. I absolutely love reading but find myself making constant excuses for not reading. I do always carry a book around in my bag, already, so will definitely be taking everything else on board. My TBR list is extremely long and I keep adding to it, though ?

  9. Seeking Wonderful says

    Those are some really lovely and easy tips to follow if you want to read more. I made a goal to start reading more this year and hopefully I will, following these steps would certainly make it easier.

  10. Sophie says

    “Take a book with you everywhere” – i’ve started to do this, especially when i go into town as i nearly always end up in a coffee shop! You’re right though, it’s about finding the time, which i simply didn’t do last year or – admittedly – last month. But it’s a new month and I CAN find/create that time to immerse myself in the magical land of fiction again <3

    Bumble and Be

    • eviejayne says

      Yes! It won’t be long before reading becomes a daily habit, even if it’s just 10 minutes a day. Best of luck with your reading goals, I hope you discover some amazing new worlds x


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