Reader Interactions


  1. Rumsthereader says

    First of all, I’d just like to say how brave you are for doing a year abroad and also how cool it is, what an amazing opportunity and I’m really looking forward to seeing how your experience goes. Not only is this a great life experience but also some amazing content for your blog haha. I can imagine moving and then moving to a foreign country would be quite daunting but you’ll have a great time and it will result in some awesome memories I’m sure. Good luck with everything! x

    • eviejayne says

      Thank you so much! It’s definitely something way out of my comfort zone but I’m going to try and make the most of it. Hahah, fingers crossed I can create some good blog content with it – it’s so difficult to find the time to write lately! Thanks for the lovely comment ✨

    • eviejayne says

      Omg it is a nightmare, especially when it all needs to be done at once! It all falls into place eventually though. It’s definitely a new experience ahaha, quite stressul atm but I’ll get there (I hope), haha thanks for reading ✨

    • eviejayne says

      Hahah it’s still going to be a while before I adjust properly, but I’m getting there! Thank you so much ✨

  2. bookbeachbunny says

    I really admire you for doing something like this! I’d love to live in another country but don’t know if I have to guts. Anyway looking forward to reading about your stay. Enjoy!

    • eviejayne says

      Ah it’s definitely way out of my comfort zone but it’s been such an amazing experience so far. Thank you so much ✨

    • eviejayne says

      Ahaha the accent definitely isn’t the typical ‘British accent’ I’m sure they were all expecting. Thank you!! X

  3. abbiejadewanders says

    I’m so excited for you Evie! I wish I could live my six months in Valencia all over again. I can totally empathise with everything you have said, trying to find familiar food in the supermarket and doing my upmost to speak as much Spanish as possible whilst it seemed that the common language between all the Erasmus students was English was quite a challenge! Have the best time ☺️ look forward to reading more updates ✨

    • eviejayne says

      I can’t wait to visit Valencia some point during the year, it looks beautiful! Ah it’s all so difficult to start off with, I just hope that as I start to settle down it’ll get easier, thank you so much Abbie! ?

  4. Perth Travelers says

    Wow I loved your post. You are incredibly brave moving to a foreign city so young. I’m sure you’ll feel at home in no time at all. Enjoy all that Madrid has to offer, what an exciting experience (once you are over your nerves haha).


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    The Madrid Diaries: One Week In • Evie Jayne